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DYSONET Deliverables


Deliverable name
D1 Web site with project information and project results
D2 A web-based project repository
D3 Databases of social contacts
D4 Databases of economic network
D5 Databases of environmental networks
D6 Details and tools for optimal network design
D7 Details for the formation and evolution mechanisms of social networks
D8 Values of critical threshold of a network, for protection against attacks and failures
D9 Values of the optimal path on a network
D10 Method for restructuring of a network, so that critical properties behave in a controllable way
D11 Recipe for obtaining the most efficient network
D12 Organization of Conference and Workshops
D13 Application of the results to other networks, such as economic networks
D14 Publications in journals and conference proceedings
D15 A summary of all management actions during the course of the project


(c) Computational Physics Group A.U.Th.